Five female tilapia, all carrying tilapia fry

Greg with a net full

of tilapia fingerlings

I am a member of the American Aquatic Growers Association & Cooperative.

A proud member of the

American Aquatic Growers

Association & Cooperative

Mineral Springs Tilapia is a veteran owned business.

Blue tilapia fingerlings at eight weeks old

Greg with a net full of tilapia fingerlings.
Blue tilapia fingerlings at eight weeks old.

The male of the tilapia breeding colony

A male tilapia at

three months old

Five week old tilapia

fingerlings and fry

Five female tilapia, all carrying tilapia fry in their mouths.
Tilapia fingerlings and fry at five weeks old.
A male tilapia at three months old.

​​​​​​​Mineral Springs
​Tilapia Fingerlings

A Blue tilapia male getting ready to spawn and make lots of tilapia fingerlings.

Thanks for coming by to visit our site. We are still located in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains of eastern Tennessee.

Our founder, Greg, started this hatchery as a small scale retirement interest on a very tight budget. Through trial and error, he learned what it took to breed and care for tilapia fingerlings. We hope that you find this website is a valuable resource that helps to reduce your learning time. Helping you to be more successful raising your own tilapia at home.

In March of 2019, Greg retired. What had started out as a hobby in 2012 had grown to be more successful than he had ever imagined. Greg sold the hatchery to his friend Mark, the owner of Lakeway Tilapia, also located in eastern Tennessee. It is with great pride that we continue to keep Greg's legacy alive.
